Dr. Butch Losey
Helping couples with:
managing the crisis of infidelity,
deepening intimacy, and
bettering conflict resolution and communication skills
Intensive Couples Therapy
An important part of my practice is the use of intensive sessions. These sessions are three-hours long and are preferred by many of the couples that I work with. There are a few reason why you should consider participating in an intensive session.
I help many couples in crisis, examples include the discovery of infidelity, aggressive actions by one or both partners, or a threat of divorce or separation after years of struggling to make change. Intensive sessions will help these couples stabilize the relationship faster and more effectively than the traditional 55 minute session offered by therapists.
Couples can also accomplish the work of weeks of therapy in just one intensive session. Couples tell me that they believe that they accomplish deeper work in intensive sessions and the sessions create an opportunity for issues to evolve and resolve. Intensives tend to be more intimate for the couple.
Offered on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings from 5pm-8pm.
Cincinnati Ohio Office
4030 Mt. Carmel Tobasco Road
Suite 102
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255
Lexington Kentucky Office
2321 Sir Barton Way
Suite 140
Lexington, KY 40509
Scottsdale Arizona Office
7137 East Rancho Vista Drive
Suite B15
Scottsdale, AZ 85251
Couples Therapy
Marriage Counseling
Infidelity Counseling
Couples Crisis Intervention
Couples Intensive Sessions
Couples Communication Skills
Counseling for Affairs
Couples Intimacy Counseling
Sexual Intimacy Counseling
Mediation Counseling
Couples Conflict Counseling
Online Couples Therapy
Online Marriage Counseling