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About me...


I work specifically with couples who:

-are recovering from infidelity,

-are dealing with difficulties in communication,

-find it difficult to talk without arguing

-have problems intimately connecting. 


My process is systemic, transformational and experiential. My hope is that you will gain a greater understanding of yourself and your partner, which will create transformation in your relationship. I create the session experience so that you will consistently experience each other in a positive, growth-oriented way. You will be encouraged to implement healthy strategies, challenged to stop problematic behaviors and taught skills to be a stronger, better couple.


Get to Know Me by Reading My Blog


Help for infidelity

Couples are traumatized when infidelity is discovered or disclosed and the clinician needs to help the couple implement immediate steps to prevent further damage to the relationship. Creating this stability is the first and necessary step to treatment. Once stability is restored, the deeper work of therapy can begin.


Couple's counseling strategies for infidelity are much different than what a traditional counselor would utilize. When couples set up an appointment with me, they will get in quickly, experience a specific treatment approach for infidelity, assessment of the traumatic symptoms (intrusive thoughts,  chronic questioning, investigating) and immediate interventions to implement.


Once the crisis is stabilized, infidelity treatment  will focus on treating the complex underlying conditions, for example lack of intimacy and intimate communication, problematic boundaries with others outside the relationship, trust, conflict skills, hyper-criticism, and relationship skills.

Couples Counseling Sessions

I am a systemic couples counselor, which means that I view the relationship as my client. Systemic therapist tend to believe that change is best brought about by doing the work within "the system" -the relationship. 


Couples sessions are one hour and fifteen minutes long, which is different that the typical 55 minute session.  I believe that I just need the extra time to get the work done in session.

Intensive Couples Sessions

Couples intensive session are  3-hours long and useful for couples in crisis, couples discovering infidelity and couples traveling from out of town.


I have many out-of-town and out-of -state couples that travel from Columbus, Dayton, Louisville and Lexington.


Couples can accomplish the work of weeks of therapy in just one intensive session.


A small discount is offered for couples that choose this option.


Offered on Friday, Saturday

and Sunday Evenings.

My Personal Training Experience

I believe that the "person of the therapist" is critically important to the outcomes achieved by the couple in therapy. This is also an important aspect to  how I train other therapist.  As you can see below, I take my personal training seriously, developing my "personhood of the therapist". This  training is different than many other other couples therapists just who attend workshops for training. When therapists say they have extensive experience, it is often a vague concept. Below, I outline my significant experience in transformational, experiential, systemic therapy.


Books Written and Educational Background

  • Author of the book "Managing the Aftermath of Infidelity: A Sequential Guide for Couples and Therapists (Due for publication August 2019)

  • Author of the book "Creating an Effective Couples Therapy Practice" (2017).

  • Obtained a Doctorate and Masters degree in counseling (2009, 2004).



Professional Training Experience:

  • Treating Couples Conference, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (Nov, 2018).

  • Completed a 7-day intensive, residential training program for Satir International Trainers at the Satir Institute of the Pacific, Vancouver, Canada (2018).

  • Treating Couples Conference, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts (Dec, 2017).

  • Completed a 7-day intensive, residential training program in Use of Self in Family Therapy at the Satir Institute of the Pacific, Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, Canada (2017).

  • Completed an 10-day intensive, residential training program in Transformational Systemic Therapy at the Satir Institute of the Pacific, in Langley, British Columbia, Canada (2017).

  • Completed a year-long, post-graduate clinical training in Milan Systemic Marriage and Family Therapy in Cincinnati Ohio (2006).​


Other Professional Experience:

  • Counseling Professor at Xavier University (2010 to present).

  • Executive Director of the Greater Cincinnati Counseling Association for 4 years, President for 1 year and a executive board member for 13 years (2002-2015).

  • CEO and owner of Waybridge Counseling (2004-present).

  • Co-Founder and Co-Director of the Institute for Transformative Systemic Practice (2017-present).

  • Appointed by Governor John Kasich to the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board as a board member and committee member of the Professional Standards Committee for counselors (2017-present).

  • Chair of the Professional Standards Committee for the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapists Board (2018-present).


8291 Beechmont Avenue
Suite C
Cincinnati, Ohio 45255

Available In-Office or Virtually | Serving Residents of Ohio, Kentucky, and Arizona | With Offices in Cincinnati, Lexington, and Scottsdale

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